Sep 30

Nail Clipping

Nail clipping is probably one of the hardest things about caring for a guinea pig. They are often squirmy and do not appreciate people messing around with their feet. If you feel uncomfortable or cannot get your guinea pig to let you clip it's nails, you can talk to your local vet and ask them for help. If you feel that you can follow these steps, I would highly recommend it:

  • Firmly hold the paw of your piggy
  • Locate the pinkish spot on one of the nails. That is the blood cell area. DO NOT CLIP THE PINK PART.
  • Cut the nail close to the pink spot but not the pink spot itself. That will cause bleeding.
  • Repeat. For people with dark-toed guinea pigs, cut just the tips about every 1-2 weeks
  • Ta Da!!! **Warning: Guinea pigs nails will be pretty sharp after cutting**